التعريف عن نفسي


Hello every one! My name is zoey I’m lebanese and I live in lebanon I have 18 years old… Im so friendly so welcome every one! Oh And I’M LESBIAN! 7


Oh zoey where are you from !? Me too I have 18 years old I’m from Egypt.


Hello oh whats your name? IM half egyptian and half lebanese


How can we talk with us zoey!?..


Did you have Instagram? Oh i don’t know


Yeah I have Instagram can you send your account!?


Yeah sure… @iimzoeyy… That’s my account


Okay I’ll send for you now


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Hey bobby IM fine wbu? Hmm can you talk to me in Instagram?


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Ana kmn jdide hon! :joy: Wait chuf eza fi private :stuck_out_tongue:


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Hi Zoey welcome to ahwaa hope we can talk and be friends and accept difference so if u want u can messege me and be friends :blush:


Your welcome hello my dear friend


When you come to Egypt. Stop bye me , give me a call and I promise you will be so happy . Waiting for you. Kisses


Hi can we contact, i am boy trans 19


اهلاً زوي، سعيدة جداً بوجودك هون!
ومتحمسة كتير اتعرف عليكي، لو بتحبي ابعتيلي رسالة يا قلبي




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