M tired of being lonely



Guys m tired Just think how to be lonely lesbian without friends or Girlfriend m sick n tired of being alone need to make relationship nd friendship from all over the world :heart:


Me too, my life is empty, even my straight friends I no longer want them cuz I am tired of hiding and so afraid that I might do or say something that out me


Ur not obliged to hide it dude Just be urself coz no one Will accept us m tired of them too but we accept them as they are sadly so if u want we can be friends text me :blue_heart:


Not abt being obliged…this is how reality is…yeah we cant be whom we r simply because of a lot of considerations. .we r gays in the closet…n cnt get out or most of us r…


Yup so sad but that’s the truth


the best we can do is be here for each other :heavy_heart_exclamation: and not let anyone feel lonely


I know it’s not helpful to hear this but in a way we all went through it or are still going through these feelings of loneliness and in the end there are people for us waiting to be our friends, lovers, community :slight_smile: it takes time but it does happen and as others say the best we can do is be here for each other and be supportive :hugs:


I think you can come out to those you trust the most, and then try being authentic as much as possible even if its hard sometimes I know


I dunno…i think u better struggle alone n nt have others sympathy or disappointment. .loneliness is terrible but could h bettee than facing it all…


It’s not easy to “be yourself” in an arab/Muslim world.


Heyy , I have the same issue as you , i am a queer from tunisia , text me here if you wanna talk or smth , or we can talk via instagram mine is I.am.shirine