Can you be Gay and Muslim at the same time?



Hi Delusions, You know what, I am really glad that I’ve opened this thread. For a long time I was convinced that God destroyed Lut just because they were Homo! but now, after I’ve read your answer and Moataz answer below, I know that there’s another point of view which actually makes sense. Do you think that one day a sheikh will come out and say that Islam isn’t against Homosexuality?


Actually Heretic, lots of Shiekhs, scholar and historians have stated repeatedly that Lut’s people sin wasn’t just being “gay” thru the time but like i said the Wahaby Era is messing lots of facts up and if a Shiekh would say such a thing out loud now people would think hes crazy and he wont show up on TV again but off TV trust me, you’ll hear them say it lol (still they werent with it but they at least get the whole thing right) i have a relative hes like a grandpa to me such a very well cultured and educated man and had so much Islamic studies for over 50 years and he is an Imam in a mosque and 1 time like 8 years ago he talked about how Lut’s people sin wasn’t mainly “sexual” and that God is too just and fair to ignore everything else they’ve done and focus on whats in their pants etc and guess what? he got in trouble for it lol. Its just that some topics now people dont wanna hear in public when in fact if you ask an Azhari person (you know those study moderate and neutral Islamic history) they’d discuss with you the whole thing openly but yet wouldnt dare talk about it in an official tone like to release a Fatwaa or something. So away from our “current” Shiekhs you can also read the Bible (there are many versions of it not quite sure which ones state this version) or check some Christian studies or away from religion at all just dig deep into History.

Also Heretic, if Homosexuality was such a big deal in Islam wouldnt you think it’d have more mention in Qur’an and Hadith like other topics do ? Logically God wouldnt right away throw someone in hell for such a “big sin” without elaborating enough about it in his holy book. Like Moataz said, till few centuries ago people didn’t give it much of a thought it was somehow “normal” hence the problem is of nowadays people and how much free time they got on their hands to make a big deal out of it.


Oh and 1 more thing Heretic, i get it that all religions not just Islam are against the act of homosexuality but they are also against the act of theft or murder however all 3 things don’t kick you out of a religion in the end as God judges for each action individuality even a thief will be rewarded for his act of kindness same as he’ll be punished for his act of evil and all religions agree on that.


There’s a difference between “Believing in God” and “Believing in God through Islam”. I am an Atheist but if there is a God he should be FAIR, But all religions are saying the opposite. Take Islam for instance, I Googled the homosexual topic in Islam again and all of the Sheikhs, including those from Azhar, are saying Homosexuals should be STONED! It made me sick! So if we assumed that there’s a God, Then no way he 'll be against Homosexuality! Homosexuals are the nicest people on earth! They love everyone … Literally :slight_smile: but this doesn’t mean that Islam isn’t against Homosexuals IMHO.


Hello again Heretic,
Islam and all religion are against Homosexuality and again like i said they’re against murder, theft etc :stuck_out_tongue: being against doesnt give the right to have others thrown out of the religion.
I believe in God away from religion, i do disagree with so many in Islam but i’m not willing to give it up as a whole religion yet maybe 1 day but not today, and the God i believe in i’d like to believe that he is way too just and fair to not punish us for things we didn’t choose he created us so he knows us better than anyone else and he knows how this whole homosexuality thing works for us its not like murder for example so im pretty sure we still can be rewarded for the good things we do and EVEN IF being gay was wrong (which im pretty sure isnt) I just truely believe that God loves everyone simply because he created them. After all as God says “I am near to the thought of my believer as he thinks about Me, and I am with him as he remembers Me. And if he remembers Me in his heart, I also remember him in My Heart” in other words, believe in God’s mercy and you’ll meet it so i think if someone chooses to see life black and white and chose to live in pessimism thinking that God hates him for something he didnt choose and he is an outcast thats his choice but it doesnt have to be true.


Hello Delusions again :slight_smile:
I like the way you think about God and I am sure, If he is there, he’ll love you much more than you love him because you are very beautiful from the inside :), As for me though, Something happened in my life long time ago and I lost my faith in him since and I don’t think I’ll get my faith back soon :slight_smile:


You’re most welcome Heretic! :slight_smile: Good Luck!! <3 <3


I’m just trying to be optimistic because always when it comes to God and what’s wrong and what’s right usually things turn out to be much simpler than they seem if people stop over thinking and obsessing with them :stuck_out_tongue:

Truly hope you get your faith back soon too, its great to believe in something (not talking about religion) and keep in mind everything happens for a reason, nothing just happens randomly maybe you just haven’t figured yours out yet that’s all :slight_smile: . Cheers!


Delusions, do you think being a homosexual is as bad as being a thief or a murderer? What about rape? :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously though, you didnt just put homosexuality and murder in the same sentence, our morality that stems from HUMAN nature tells us that murder and theft are bad because you’re hurting other people, but how is two adults in love bad or wrong? How does it affect other people? Looking at other societies that are ok with it, do you see that being accepting of homosexuality has affected them in a bad way? No, actually those countries are doing good because they’re tolerant and accepting of people no matter their orientation, color, ethnicity etc. but we judge, we like to judge because we were taught to judge and hate. Did god really not expect that out of 7 billion people a few millions would be attracted to the same sex? It doesnt make any sense to me, as heretic said there is no way if there is a god that he would be so angry at gays.

Oh and while we’re at it, why does god want us to pray 5 times a day? :stuck_out_tongue: j/k


umm not sure you read what i was saying or something else, clearly state that Homosexuality isn’t as bad as murder or rape hence if a rapist can be a muslim how the hell cant a homosexual be?! clearly cuz being gay doesn’t affect anyone or hurt them and if those who do actions that hurt others can be muslims then why the hell cant we. quite simple. and if you read what i said again like Heretic did you’d see that i do not agree at all that God hates homosexuals pretty sure he loves everyone cuz he created them hence knows how they have no control over their sexual orientation (not like straight people chose to be straight) and if he didnt say directly in his holy book that he does then any other nonsense people say don’t count to me. So lets not misunderstand and spam, tyvm :stuck_out_tongue:


hi Heretic :))
nothing I guess to be said after what Delusions & Moataz said ! I totally agree with them .
just want to say I am a muslim who believe in Allah due to love not inherit my Islam from parents or according to an environment I am living in … I like girls and do my prayer , I sleep with girls I do fast in Ramadan … not a double life nor conflict situation .
I have a fully self peace , I am not harming anyone … not a thief , murder , raper or deceiving person .
the point is , there is no contradictory to me between being a muslim and being a lesbian at the same time . . Sexual behavior not related to religion
have a nice day :))


Hi hanibal,
The most important thing is that you have inner peace, Believe in whatever you want as long as you have inner peace :).
As a side note, do your nick name refer to “Hannibal Lecter”?


Now that I look at my comment I did overreact sorry :(, it was late and I was passionate and angry. :stuck_out_tongue:


haha dont worry about it…ya know we’re all on the same page here =)


hahahaha certainly not !
the hannibal you mean was a serial killer , a monster …
Actually I love reading about ancient history since childhood , the first historical book i read was ( Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca , the “father of strategy” )
it is the first name came o my mind when I registered here :))


I was kidding :slight_smile: of course you won’t take your nickname from Mr. Lecter, The guy who was Eating people for fun :slight_smile:


Hannibal Lecter was quite a character though, beautifully performed.

Conversion therapy

He is one of my best Evil characters of all times :slight_smile:


the posts here are very brilliant…i must admit i had my dark times of doubting my beliefs too but as long as there is faith that god is always with you no matter how you turn out to be i think you will get over these times…sure if you r atheist due to different reason than homosexuality then you must work on this reason in separate way


You DEFINITELY CAN be Muslim and gay, I’m a Muslim lesbian hidjabi and proud of that, don’t let the haters bring you down :wink: